Plant a tree or shrub that will be a beautiful addition to your yard. Feed, treat, and prune a tree that has been neglected too long. Or remove an unsightly tree that has expired. Turf-N-Tree has the expertise and equipment to take care of all tree services. We are approved by the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, California, for Heritage Tree Preservation, and licensed by the State of California as a Tree Service Contractor.
Owner Scott LaPlante is the
certified consulting arborists on staff at Turf-N-Tree.

We adhere to proper tree care techniques of arboriculture as recognized by the
International Society of Arborists. Call on us if your trees look sick, or to preserve a storm-damaged tree. We use the most up-to-date injection and deep feeding systems in the industry to fertilize, protect your trees from pests, fungi and other environmental threats, and promote tree longevity.
We also respond to calls resulting from weather-related emergencies, as well as dangerous overhangs, seasonal pruning, land clearing, and stump grinding and removal.
Our modern fleet of tree service vehicles includes an aerial bucket lift with crane rigging equipment, chippers and stump grinding machines. We take care to maintain our equipment, so we can offer prompt service and uphold public safety standards.
For a consultation or quote, give us a call or
email our Tree Services staff.
Why Hire An Arborist? Learn more...